Part 2: What are the advantages of overclocking? Well, obviously, there have to be some advantages to overclocking, or else people wouldn't be doing it and this website most likely wouldn't exist. Some of the advantages are faster startup, faster game play, faster...well...pretty much everything that you do goes faster (with the exception of typing!). If you are a hardcore gamer and only have a 300MHz G3, you might try overclocking it to about 450MHz. With that kind of a speed boost, you'll get out-of-this-world frame rates, better graphics than before and probably even manage better sound quality (if it has the option for low/high quality sound in your game). Also, another advantage of overclocking your system (and this is my personal favourite) is saving big bucks. If you manage to overclock your G3 by about 100Mhz or so, your getting that extra 100MHz for free when in a store it would've cost you and extra (approx.) $1500.00!!